#5 - Everything Random
Welcome to the fifth edition of Everything Random. A series of links, articles, notes, idea, and everything random living rent free in my head (and open browser tabs). Hopefully you find them interesting or helpful. Some of these topics will be explored further in future posts.
We have a true random collection of links this week. None of the link are ones I specifically searched for, but all have shown up as an open browser tab one way or another.
The title pretty much explains it all. This is a very simple website that displays sports scores from all over the world in plain text. No graphics are used and the site is made to display perfectly on your smartphone.
I’ve found myself using it on weekends to get my soccer and football scores when so many games are going on.
Did you know Leica made an instant camera? I definitely did not, but want one now that I know they exist.
The Leica SOFORT 2 combines digital moments with the enduring analogue world. With a high-quality, clean and minimalistic design, seamless connectivity and many creative features, this hybrid instant camera is a stylish and playful companion to keep by your side.
Digital camera, instant camera, photo printer, and photo editor all rolled into one device. This is a really interesting niche product in photography. However, with all Leica cameras, price is a factor to consider.
The Ivy Lee Method for Productivity
In the world of productivity, whispered voices tell of a meeting a hundred years ago between PR consultant Ivy Lee and Charles Schwab, CEO of Bethlehem Steel at the time. Lee offered to increase the productivity of Bethlehem Steel’s executives by 20%. His fee? Whatever Schwab felt his services were worth after 30 days. (How’s that for confidence in the product you’re selling?)
If you followed along with our Plain Text Productivity discussion in Everything Random #4, this pairs perfectly with that. If you’re struggling with letting work go at the end of the day or figuring out what to work on next. Give this method a try. And track it all in your plain text file.
The Case for Phone-Free Schools
To the teachers and administrators I spoke with, this wasn’t merely a coincidence. They saw clear links between rising phone addiction and declining mental health, to say nothing of declining academic performance. A common theme in my conversations with them was: We all hate the phones. Keeping students off of them during class was a constant struggle. Getting students’ attention was harder because they seemed permanently distracted and congenitally distractible. Drama, conflict, bullying, and scandal played out continually during the school day on platforms to which the staff had no access. I asked why they couldn’t just ban phones during school hours. They said too many parents would be upset if they could not reach their children during the school day.
This is a fantastic article and research by Jon Haidt on his Substack publication, After Babel.
It’s no secret that smartphones have a massive impact on our lives. Maybe it’s time to look at how big that impact is, and ways to reduce it. Jon makes a strong case for not allowing phones in school and there have been many examples already in place in school districts.
Enjoyed any of the links shared today, or maybe have more to say on one topic? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Quantum Computing
Computers are binary. It is a 0 or 1. Processes can become very complex and sophisticated from there, but the premise remains. The data is a 0 or 1.
Computers have been made faster (Moore's Law) to process the 0s and 1s faster. But the limitation remains. This is how every computer in your home, office, or the palm of your hand works. Bits make up everything being process. And those bits are at a state of 0 or 1.
Now what if the computer wasn’t limited by being a 0 or a 1. What if a piece of data could be a 0 and a 1 at the same time. This is the qubit, introduced in quantum computing.
Quantum computing as an idea has been around for quite some time. The potential is extraordinary. We are still very much in the infancy of the technology and are starting to see the first real working examples of it. It’s very exciting to see what the future holds for how a computer thinks.
Further Research and Links:
Wikipedia on Quantum Computing (Start Here)
HBR - Quantum Computing is Coming (a slightly older article, but worth reading.
What do you think of Quantum Computer? Or have you ever thought about what computers will operate like in the future? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
This week’s living rent free song is from Chance The Rapper featuring Randy Newman. The song 5 Year Plan is from the 2019 album The Big Day. I would call this a deep track from the album. It’s an introspective, autobiographical song that has some really greats lines and quotes.
This songs gets stuck in my head every once in a while and makes me think about my own 5 year plan. 5 years in a very long time. This songs stays synonymous in my head with the Bill Gates quote, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Think back 5 years ago, how much has changed?
This wraps up Edition #5 of Everything Random. If you enjoyed this edition, there is no better way to show your support than sharing with friends. Please consider hitting the share button.
*Disclaimer: This post is a stream of consciousness type of writing. If you find spelling, grammar, or other issues, please let me know and they will be corrected.